Join Tables in Laravel How to Use Raw SQL Queries for Joins

Join Tables in Laravel: How to Use Raw SQL Queries for Joins

Laravel’s Eloquent ORM provides an easy way to interact with databases and perform queries. However, there are times when you may need to use raw SQL queries, especially when it comes to joining tables. In this blog post, we will discuss how to join tables in Laravel using raw SQL queries.

Joining Tables Using Raw SQL Queries

To join tables using raw SQL queries, you can use the DB::select method provided by Laravel’s Query Builder. This method executes a raw SQL query and returns the result as an array of objects.

Here is an example of joining two tables using raw SQL queries:

$results = DB::select('SELECT * FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON = table2.table1_id');

In the above example, we are joining two tables table1 and table2 using the INNER JOIN clause. We are joining the tables on the id column of table1 and the table1_id column of table2.

You can use other join clauses like LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, or FULL OUTER JOIN to join tables. Here is an example of using the LEFT JOIN clause:

$results = DB::select('SELECT * FROM table1 LEFT JOIN table2 ON = table2.table1_id');

Performing Joins on Multiple Tables

You can join more than two tables by using multiple join clauses in a single SQL query. Here is an example of joining three tables using raw SQL queries:

$results = DB::select('SELECT * FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON = table2.table1_id INNER JOIN table3 ON = table3.table2_id');

In the above example, we are joining three tables table1, table2, and table3 using two INNER JOIN clauses. We are joining the tables on the id and table1_id columns of table1 and table2, and the id and table2_id columns of table2 and table3.


Joining tables using raw SQL queries can be an effective way to interact with databases in Laravel. While Eloquent ORM provides a powerful way to perform database queries, there are times when raw SQL queries can be more efficient and flexible.

In this blog post, we discussed how to join tables using raw SQL queries in Laravel, along with examples and best practices. We hope that this post will help you to perform joins in your Laravel projects more effectively.

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