How to Parse and Process HTML/XML in PHP

How to Parse and Process HTML/XML in PHP

HTML and XML are widely used formats for representing structured data on the web. As a web developer, it’s important to know how to parse and process HTML/XML documents in PHP in order to extract information or manipulate the contents of a web page.

In this blog, we’ll look at some real-world examples of how to parse and process HTML/XML in PHP using the DOM extension.

Example 1: Extracting Information from HTML

Let’s say you have an HTML document containing a list of blog posts, and you want to extract the title and URL of each post. Here’s how you can use the DOM extension to do that:

// Load the HTML file
$html = file_get_contents('blog.html');

// Create a new DOMDocument object
$doc = new DOMDocument();

// Load the HTML into the DOMDocument object

// Find all the <h2> elements in the document
$headings = $doc->getElementsByTagName('h2');

// Loop through the headings and extract the title and URL
foreach ($headings as $heading) {
    $link = $heading->getElementsByTagName('a')->item(0);
    $title = $link->nodeValue;
    $url = $link->getAttribute('href');
    echo "$title: $url\n";

In this example, we load the HTML file into a DOMDocument object using the loadHTML method. We then find all the <h2> elements in the document using the getElementsByTagName method.

We loop through the headings using a foreach loop, and for each heading we find the first <a> element inside it using the getElementsByTagName method. We then extract the title and URL using the nodeValue and getAttribute methods.

Example 2: Modifying HTML

Let’s say you have an HTML form that you want to modify by adding a new input field. Here’s how you can use the DOM extension to do that:

// Load the HTML file
$html = file_get_contents('form.html');

// Create a new DOMDocument object
$doc = new DOMDocument();

// Load the HTML into the DOMDocument object

// Find the <form> element in the document
$form = $doc->getElementsByTagName('form')->item(0);

// Create a new <input> element
$input = $doc->createElement('input');
$input->setAttribute('type', 'text');
$input->setAttribute('name', 'new_field');
$input->setAttribute('placeholder', 'New Field');

// Add the <input> element to the <form> element

// Save the modified HTML to a file

In this example, we load the HTML file into a DOMDocument object using the loadHTML method. We then find the <form> element in the document using the getElementsByTagName method.

We create a new <input> element using the createElement method, and then set its attributes using the setAttribute method. We then add the <input> element to the <form> element using the appendChild method.

Finally, we save the modified HTML to a new file using the save method.


Parsing and processing HTML/XML documents is an essential task for web developers, and the DOM extension in PHP provides powerful tools for doing so. By following the examples in this blog, you can learn how to use the DOM extension to extract information from HTML/XML documents and modify them to suit your needs.

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